“I strongly believe that all answers to the challenges in life are stored inside each of us.”  - Dr. Nidal Moughrabi

Healing for mind and body through self-awareness and
the power of the subconscious

For almost 20 years my passion has been to help people in challenging life situations through the power of the subconscious and self-awareness. I support them to find a solution for their challenge and to grow personally from it.

Did you know that everything needed to live a healthy life is already inside you? In fact it is stored in your subconscious, which is connected to your body, to your mind and to your soul. And has its own contribution to diseases, as well as to health.

But Western medicine and traditional psychology are focused on the symptoms, rather than a holistic approach to healing the underlying causes. As an M.D. for more than twenty years, I’ve seen the limits of what Western medicine can achieve, and I was driven to look further for more complete answers.

What I found was that the problems, the symptoms, and the solutions — they’re all stored in the subconscious. Which is why we have to include the subconscious in the healing process.

To aid in mental and physical healing and health, I combine:

Hypnotic Communication

This is a conversation that uses hypnotic techniques to discuss and analyze the issue in a relaxed state.

Hypnosis and NLP

Using a selection of techniques that work with the subconscious mind to de-program stories, beliefs and patterns.


Working beyond the mind to gain emotional distance from your problem, so your nervous system can regenerate.

My services

Hypnomed individual sessions

Heal yourself through trance  
Find the key for your physical and mental health inside yourself!

Hypnomed Live courses

Easy meditation
It is easier to meditate in a group and have some guidance.

HypnoMed Downloads

Download your hypnosis 
Get an audiobook with a hypnosis about your individual topic.



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Free Introductory Session

A 30-minute Zoom call to explore how I can help you and if we are a good fit.

“I strongly believe that all resources and capabilities to find the right solution(s) for the challenges in life are stored inside each of us. Due to the circumstances in life, it often happens that we forget these solutions or don’t see them. This is why successful coaching starts where the solutions are stored … in your subconscious.”

Dr. Nidal Moughrabi

  • Life & Executive Coach, MD 

  • Hypnotherapy, NLP and Meditation Training

  • Hypnotherapy Supervisor