Life crises management
Life crises management
and stress competence
Take these sessions when you feel overwhelmed by a change in your life circumstances like:
a partner breaking up,
confronting illness or loss in the family,
kids leaving the nest,
unnecessary burden from the past becoming too heavy
… and you would like to restore a sense of peace and of resourcefulness, an ability to flow again (vs. being stuck) and enjoy life.
Challenges exist ...
Any big change in our life (external or internal) will naturally create emotional waves, sometimes even tsunamis.
Sometimes, a feeling of solidity carries us through the storm and slowly, slowly we find ourselves coming out of it, recovering our energy, zest for life, joy and a sense of possibilities.
Other times, we get stuck, overwhelmed with a feeling of drowning, of “losing it”. We can’t seem to find a solution or even imagine a different future.
While the emotional storm is natural – we are equipped to survive it and even to thrive at the end of it - the stuck-ness is not. It signals that, in addition to the basic, natural pain of the change, some old pain has been activated (like when a break-up can, in addition to the pain of the loss, wake up old feelings of not being good enough).
... to be solved:
In these sessions, we gently approach the subconscious to reveal this old pain and its cause. We untangle what is really caused by the present events from what is an influence (call it “hangover”) from our childhood or more recent life.
Becoming aware of them, we give both a chance to finally start healing.
Many times, this step in itself is enough to get us unstuck and reconnected to our natural resources. Depending on what is needed, we might find a peace to embrace a reality we cannot change, a clarity to create solutions (when we can make a change) or the natural drive to pursue one.
However, to support this shift, we often use hypnosis and meditation to further awaken and strengthen the connection with our inner resources.
This process is one of the most touching areas of my work, as I heard often people saying later that the crisis proved to be something they are even grateful for – that they gained something from it which they hadn’t had before (whether that was self-love, or strength or a deep insight on life etc.).
Snippet from a course about health in companies (Henkel). Currently only in German.
Reviews (regarding all individual sessions)
Free Introductory Session
A 30-minute Zoom call to explore how I can help you and if we are a good fit.