Healthy through meditation

Year's training in Mallorca 2025
2 seminars (May/Oct)

A twice a year, 4-day meditation retreat - the vacation that gets you the recharge and the improvement of your health you need, but also the skills to maintain both when you get back home: 15-18 May and 23-26 October 2025.

  • Both seminars can be booked separately. 

  • 4 days (3 nights) in a place of abundance: picturesque, plenty of sun and sea, excellent food.

  • So-called "beginners" are welcome, as well as people who already have experience with meditation.

  • A meditation program that gets you the deep, regenerative relaxation you need right now.

  • The teachings and experiences that will help you integrate simple meditation techniques into your life when you get back home.

  • Together with Radha Alina Ionescu - Relationship Coach and Meditation facilitator

As a doctor in Intensive Care, I remember many stressful periods when I was dreaming of a vacation and, at the same time, knowing deep inside that “a vacation won’t cut it”. The stress had already gone too deep, on one hand, and it would undoubtedly regain hold of me on my return, on the other.

Today I hear similar stories from my clients, from different fields of work: corporations, bankers, entrepreneurs, medicine.

  • Even if they enjoy their profession a lot, they feel it has been slowly eating at their energy reservoirs:

  • They don’t recover from the peaks of stress as quickly as they used to.

  • They don’t find it easy to do the activities that used to recharge them (like walks in nature, short getaways from the city, hobbies).

  • Their sleep or eating patterns might start getting disturbed or their body starts showing other signals.

  • Irritation shows up more than before and gets in the way of their work and personal life.

  • They don’t enjoy the work as much as they used to.

My own experience in a highly demanding job and then working with people in similar positions has shown me that there are three main causes for this situation:

1) At some point, we are too wired up to be able to relax

Our mind’s wheels get spinning so much during the work day, it becomes impossible to stop them at the end of it, even if we want to. Our “monkey mind” tries to solve problems and keeps us worried. Sometimes, we even go on vacation and cannot truly unwind, or it takes us its whole duration to finally be able to calm down.

We simply use our mind too much.

Fortunately, meditation has the ability to cut through the noise of our thoughts and take us into true silence, giving our mind the rest it really needs for it to recharge.

2) Stress makes us lose our healthy habits, which in turn makes the stress bigger

Often, in times of pressure, we start skipping meals or we overeat, feel too tired to move our body or, when we do, we push it, we start binging TV series to fall asleep and then we don’t get enough sleep.

All this erodes our ability to navigate stress. Without our healthy habits, we are more vulnerable to worrying, getting stuck, tensing up around our everyday problems.

By spending too much time in our heads, we are getting more and more disconnected from our body. And then we get disconnected from our natural cycles of rest-activity or hunger-satiety.

The antidote to this is moving and growing the awareness of our body, which can definitely be achieved through special techniques of (“active”) meditation.

3) We walk in the same beaten tracks of thinking

You’d think that so much thinking is good for problem solving. But deep inside we all know that it’s not.

All this thinking does is to cement our usual lines of thought, making it difficult to find innovative, quicker or less expensive solutions to our work or life challenges.

That is why, in stress, many of us feel stuck.

Just silencing the mind (even if for a short time) will help us change the perspective on any problem at hand. But furthermore, there are certain meditation techniques which help us specifically become more creative, more open to possibilities, more inclusive of other perspectives.

Sitting meditators on yoga mats, meditation course
Staute of meditating monk, grey stone
Dancing people in course room with big windows, marble floor, meditation course


For all the above reasons, my main goal is to offer you:

  • A way to silence the mind,

  • helping you reconnect with your body and

  • a change of perspective.

So the key ingredients of both courses are:

1) A vacation in Hotel Bon Sol (Mallorca) – a place of abundance, with very kind personnel, picturesque access to the sea, beautiful pools, lavish nature and delicious food, which will give you the opportunity to enjoy the sun and water at a time when they are not easily accessible in Middle Europe (May and Oct).

2) A program of meditations, designed to help you drop fast yet profoundly in the relaxation you are longing for. At the same time, it is a buffet of meditations you get to experiment and take home with you.

3) Within that, a big weight of “OSHO® Active Meditations”, which are meditation techniques which involve movement (shaking the body, dancing, running on the spot) that will help you regain your awareness of and care for the body.

4) Inclusion of short techniques of relaxation (“Awareness Techniques”), that can take you as little as a few minutes to do, so that you can easily integrate them in your daily life when you get back home.

5) The opportunity to experience certain meditations for several days in a row, so that you can feel the cumulative effect and feel confident that you are able and is beneficial for you to continue the practice in your everyday life.

Why TWO Parts

Good habits need some support to get established. Some refreshment and encouragement on the way is needed. This is why the program includes two different modules, each containing also a follow-up session.
Both modules have slightly different emphases and can be booked separately:

May: “From the Mind to the Body”
The focus is about silencing the mind and reconnecting with the body.

October: “From the Body to the Heart”
We will refresh how to silence the mind. And we will learn in addition, how to change the perspective, by bringing more understanding of ourselves and others into our lives. Accepting our imperfections, appreciating our talents and making peace with what we cannot change, helps us to have more energy for what we can change.

Who is the retreat for

As you got an idea by now, this program is designed for busy people, with highly rewarding, but otherwise stressful jobs who find it difficult to relax and navigate the stressful times.

So-called "beginners" are welcome, as well as people who already have experience with meditation.

This retreat is not for you

  • If you are looking for a vacation of exploring places – this is an exploration, but an inner one.

  • If you want to become a certified expert in meditation – there will be a diverse buffet of meditations that caters for a diversity of needs, but an expertise in meditation requires more.

Benefits of participation

  • A deep relaxation that will reach several layers: body, mind and soul.

  • A reconnection with your body’s natural rhythm, which will make it easier to return to your healthy habits of eating, moving, resting.

  • An understanding of how meditation works, so that you can create your own meditation practice to support you in your life back home.

  • A simply relaxed time in a beautiful, colorful South European location.

Small path with shadow and white wall, green plants, Hotel BonSol
Course room for meditation, yoga mats and pillows, marble floor, big windows
Relaxed sleeping cat, Hotel BonSol


15-18 May 2025: “Healthy through meditation - From the head to the body”
23-26 October 2025: “Healthy through meditation - From the body to the heart”
(Both seminars can be booked separately.)

4 days (Thursday to Sunday)

Both seminars will take place in our beloved Hotel Bonsol, Illetas/Mallorca.

English, German

Together with Radha Alina Ionescu
- Relationship Coach and Meditation facilitator

So-called "beginners" are welcome, as well as people who already have experience with meditation.

Your investment
Course fee (between € 750,- and 1.150,-/course) plus accommodation and food plus travel expenses.

Feel welcome to visit the dedicated Instagram page.

Further information

We will be happy to send you a flyer with further information, including price details and discounts. Just click the button below.

Sunset at Hotel BonSol, blue sea, sky with orange color

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