Long-term treatment
Long-term treatment - 1:1 coaching
A 12 month program of self-awareness to transform your life
This program is for you if you feel tired of finding yourself in similar situations again and again (the topic anger shows up repeatedly in your life or same relationship problems, though it is a different partner or similar job situations, even in different jobs or similar recurring health issues or addictions) that are causing you suffering and you feel determined to deal with whatever could be on your side that is perpetuating this cycle.
Participating in a wholehearted, committed way in this program helps you put an end to this suffering. It will give you the understanding of the cause for this situation and the process (customised for you) to dissolve this cause so that you can finally create the life that you want (the deep intimacy, the professional satisfaction, health etc.).
Challenges exist ...
We feel so strongly that our choices are our choices, that it is difficult to imagine that it could be different.
We may sometimes think “maybe there I acted a little bit like my father (or my mother)”, but we cannot imagine that actually most of the time we are under some influence from the adults who raised us when we were children. For example, most people prefer a certain type of women or men as a partner in their life. But did you ever ask yourself from where this type/this taste is coming from?
You see, we all come on this earth like a blank slate. Nothing is “written” on us - no religion, no nationality, no convictions. And we are like a sponge, very open, sucking the information around us, as our consciousness (the feeling of “I am me”) is not developed yet.
In this state, we are absorbing the convictions of those around us almost with no filter. In their turn, the adults (parents, teachers, priests and the society) are very eager to “teach us things” and to add their view of the world as an imprint to our identity.
By the time we grow older and would be able to discriminate in life based on who we are, it is too late: the blank slate has already been written. We are full with beliefs around:
what makes a real woman/real man,
our religion and our nationality,
how connection is created,
how our skills and creativity are to be expressed,
what love is,
how to make a living,
who we are etc.
As a result, you probably guessed, we are making choices and acting not based on who we really are, but on these influences from the past:
We might be pulled to work situations which are not supportive for our talents.
We might behave in relationships in ways which are unknowingly alienating our partner.
We might simply choose people as love partners or friends who are not reliable.
We might put ourselves in dangerous situations and not realise it.
If we could take a step back and look at ourselves from the outside, we could describe our actions as being done under hypnosis.
Now, there is also the case of those of us who are rebellious. They choose as children to disobey and fight adults’ beliefs. They go against them, but even so, they are not acting in the adult life from who they are, from their freedom, but from wanting to be the opposite. And that is still a hypnosis.
... to be solved:
I have created this process as a journey of liberation from the patterns of the past.
Using specific tools from hypnotic communication, self-hypnosis and meditation, we take a dive into the subconscious and find the cause for your loop of suffering. The beliefs, the identity, the influences connected to that, which are usually well hidden in our subconscious, will be revealed.
With further support from specific tools from hypnosis and meditation, you will also go through the process of dissolving the cause and, with it, the patterns of behaviours which are rooted in it.
Commitment and a genuine desire to take back the reins of your life are needed. I will always be there to guide you, whether you make progress or stumble or feel confused.
In the end, a clarity about what you want in life (as opposed to what you should want) will emerge. At the same time, an innate wisdom of how to create that will simply start flowing.
For example, if you start this program because you constantly find yourself in conflictual situations at work, you will end up intuitively starting to move towards more harmonious environments (teams, companies, bosses) or naturally finding the communication that avoids or repairs conflicts.
Also, an unexpected result is a spillover of the effect on other areas of life. For example, if you started this journey for love relationship issues, you might experience that your friendships or collaborations will also improve.
Furthermore, your attitude towards life’s challenges will change. Having gotten a direct and deep understanding for how patterns form and unfold in your life, you will be able to spot their contribution to your suffering and know how to deal with them, so that you stay more of the time on the light, joyful, expansive side of life.
“You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it ... If you can get rid of all conditionings, if you can think that you are neither a communist nor a fascist, that you are neither a Christian nor a Mohammedan. You were not born a Christian or Mohammedan; you were born just pure, innocent consciousness. To be again in that purity, in that innocence, in that consciousness, is what I mean be freedom.”
Osho (Indian Mystic and Meditation Teacher) - From: From Death to Deathlessness, Talk #23
“If the Lord will ask me in the hereafter: Meir, why didn't you become Moses? - so I will say: Lord, because I am only Meir. And if he will ask me further: Meir, why didn't you become Ben Akiba? - so I will also say: Lord, because I am Meir. But if he will ask: Meir, why didn't you become Meir? - what will I answer?”
Martin Buber - Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman
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Free Introductory Session
A 30-minute Zoom call to explore how I can help you and if we are a good fit.