OSHO® Heart Meditation

Transformation process (Online)

A revolutionary transformation from turmoil to inner peace,
in 9 evenings of meditation

This meditation process is designed to help:

  • people who are going through a difficult period (separation, unemployment, illness, any stressful time like the pandemic or war) or

  • people who are witnessing a dear one going through a tough time or

  • anyone who wants to learn a new way of dealing with life’s challenges.

Difficult times can make us feel stuck in our life, helpless, almost as banging against a tough wall. In response, we may harden ourselves up, which shows up as harshness towards others or harshness towards ourselves. Or, we may start loosing energy, becoming listless or even depressed, overwhelmed by life or even like a victim.

A different approach to suffering

Difficult situations challenge us deeply. All of a sudden, we are flooded with feelings of anger, sadness, fear, guilt, all blending up in a constant sense of suffering.

What we tend to do (all of us) is to push this suffering away. And it’s natural, who wants suffering, after all? So we do our best to ignore it, we change the subject, we busy ourselves with things that we CAN handle. Even if we complain about it to friends, we are still avoiding the suffering, by talking about it, rather than feeling it.

But has this ever worked? Has this ever solved or healed any situation? Has it ever done anything other than sucking our energy, consuming us, prolonging the pain and adding to the original suffering?

What is needed is a 360º turn: instead of running, we start opening our eyes towards the suffering. When we face it gently, it actually has a chance to heal. Only this way do we create the possibility to arrive to a state of peace, clarity, a motivation to act (and do it in a different way), and ultimately to a resolution to our situation.

About OSHO® Heart Meditation

One powerful, yet gentle way of embracing the pain is OSHO® Heart Meditation.

Out of the many methods of hypnosis and meditation I’ve studied and experimented with, I realised that this particular meditation is not only very effective, but also very easy to do.

  • The meditation is based on a small fragment from Atisha, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism.

  • At the core of the meditation is the heart’s capacity to transform the negative into the positive. When we absorb the pain, the misery into our heart, it gets transformed into joy and blissfulness. This is something not many people know about and we only discover it in meditation.

  • The technique is simple – it relies on breathing into the heart and is supported by beautiful music.

The course lasts 9 days to give this meditation the chance to “do its work”.

It has been my experience that doing the meditation once, we alleviate the pain we feel around our issue. Which is not a small thing. But doing the meditation several days in a row, it becomes a transformation, it has a therapeutic and healing effect and helps you get to the bottom of your issue.

What exactly is the Transformation Process?

  • We will meet online every evening for approx. 80 min.

  • Each time, we will do the meditation together.

  • There will be space for explanations, questions and answers around the meditation experience and sharing of your own experience. This all helps deepen the effects of the meditation.

Benefits of the Transformation Process

If you resonate with the meditation, there are high chances you will experience:

  • Lightness, softness, kindness towards yourself and others, an easiness in connecting with others.

  • Taking things less personally, getting irritated less, finding more easily the middle ground.

  • Recovering a sense of aliveness and joy, if you’ve been feeling depressed, low-energy, listless.

  • A transformation of your attitude towards your issue and towards life problems in general. A sense of optimism and ability to navigate live’s challenges.

Who is it for

While this process is ideal for people who have had some experience, however little, with meditation, it is open also to people who are new to meditation – we will provide all the explanation and support needed.


  • We will meet every day from 7 pm CET.

  • Duration: approx. 80 min.

  • I recommend to participate in at least 5-6 evenings.

  • There will be a free taster before the course.

  • Language: English, German

  • This course will be facilitated together with Radha Alina Ionescu, Relationship and Meditation Coach.

  • Next course date:
    At the moment there is no date for the next course. If you would like to get informed as soon as the date is set, click the button below and sign up.

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