Weight loss with hypnosis
With the power of the subconscious
No more yo-yo dieting
Diets work for losing some pounds, but not when it comes to maintaining that new weight. Often (actually almost always) we bounce back or even gain pounds.
The reason for this is that diets only work on the body. The mind, which is a big part of our overeating habits, is disregarded.
That is why I combine medical hypnosis with behavioral therapy to bring the body and mind back together, to positively influence the unconscious part of the mind and in this way bring about a deep and lasting change.
Further down on this page, my clients comment on the individual sessions.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT hypnosis, your expectations and the numbers of required sessions, PLEASE VISIT THE FAQ page.
Challenges exist ...
We are all born with an inbuilt sense of eating in the right way, which helps us maintain a healthy, fairly constant weight. That sense is felt in the body and it “whispers” to us when to eat, what to eat and when we are satiated.
For many of us that sense is lost at some point or gradually, over the years. Instead, we start listening to the mind.
But the mind is not in tune with our naturalness and balance. Instead, it functions by programs or patterns we learned as children:
patterns around eating habits (for example, if our mother constantly insists that we finish our plate, we learn to always do, even when we are beyond satiation; if we followed strict meal hours, we may continue, as adults, to eat before we are hungry, or postpone eating until we are too hungry to be mindful about what we eat).
patterns around using food for something other than nourishment: as solace, a reward, a way of managing stress etc.
In addition, our disconnect from the body is aggravated by the speed of our lives, the overload of information and the distractions caused by mobile phones, tablets or the TV.
... to be solved:
Working with the subconscious is a powerful way to restore the lost connection with the body, that sense that we need for healthy, balanced and deeply enjoyable eating.
In these sessions, with the support of medical hypnosis, self-hypnosis and meditation:
We will bring light to the patterns you have around food, thus creating the opportunity for them to dissolve and clear the way to the body-connection.
We will find alternative ways to deal with the issues that the overeating is compensating for (e.g. dealing with stress in a more skillful way).
We will awaken and strengthen the connection with the body and its sense for proper nourishment.
Reconnected with our natural sense of healthy eating, we start to easily recognise when our body needs nourishment, how much and in which amount. The body weight, then naturally drops to its healthy, optimal level and is supported to stay there.
The "Market of diets"
Most of the known diets have three things in common: a great name, a recipe for success, which is ultimately based on a reduction of food and thus on a perceived renunciation and the fact that they don’t work (for a long time). This sense of perceived renunciation is the reason for the eventual failure of diets and the resulting yo-yo effect.
3D-Diät 10in2 Diät
Ahornsirup-Diät Allergie-Diät
Anabole Diät Ananas-Diät/Enzym-Diät
Apfelessig-Kur Atkins-Diät
Ayurveda-Diät BCM
Blutgruppen-Diät Brigitte-Diät
Buchinger-Fasten CM3-Diät
Crash-Diäten David Kirsch Diät
Dinner Cancel Dr. Haas-Diät
Eier-Kur F.X. Mayr
FDH-Diät Fit for fun
Fit for Life-Diät Fünf am Tag Diät
Genetic Balance Glyx-Diät
Haysche Trennkost Heilfasten
Herbalife Hollywood-Diät
Idealdiät Japan-Diät/Sushi-Diät
Kartoffel-Diät Kohlsuppen-Diät
Kreta-Diät Kushi-Diät
LOGI-Methode Low Fat-Diät
Low Carb-Diät Magic Soup-Diät
Markert-Diät Max-Planck-Diät
Mayo-Diät Metabolic Balance
Mischkost-Diät Mittelmeer-Diät
Mond-Diät Sternzeichen-Diät
Montignac-Methode Negative Kalorien-Diät
Null-Diät Paleo-Diät
Pfundskur Psycho-Diät
Pulver-Diät Reis-Diät
Saftfasten Säure-Basen-Diät
Scarsdale-Diät Schlank im Schlaf
Schroth-Kur Zone Diät
South-Beach-Diät Stoffwechsel-Diät
Strunz-Diät Suppen-Diät
Trennkost-Diät Vollweib-Diät
Weight Watcher-Diät Wundersuppen-Diät
Zitronensaft-Kur Zuckerknacker-Diät
Reviews (regarding all individual sessions)
Free Introductory Session
A 30-minute Zoom call to explore how I can help you and if we are a good fit.
Audiobook for download:
Weight loss with hypnosis
In case you prefer to work autonomously and at lower-cost, then take a look to this audiobook. You can work with it completely on your own or, whenever needed, book an additional session (see above).