
Self-healing for download

Independence with audiobooks

On this page you will find several hypnosis audiobooks for your support at home or while travelling (but please don’t listen to it in the car while you are driving). Your big advantage: you are completely independent - in space and time. Just download your audiobooks to your computer or your smartphone. Then find a comfortable place where you can sit undisturbed and close your eyes. Listening to “How to sleep better with hypnosis”, you can already lay down in your bed.

Please scroll down to the bottom of this page. There you can read customer’s reviews about the audiobooks.

the audiobooks’ duration is between 30 and 40 MINUTEs. only the series “POWER-relaxation" is shorter, around 15 MINUTEs.

For free

NO MORE TEST ANXIETY with hypnosis (audiobook)
ab 0,00 €
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BOOST YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE with hypnosis (audiobook)
ab 0,00 €
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EASE HEADACHES with hypnosis (audiobook)
ab 0,00 €
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DEEP RELAXATION with hypnosis (audiobook)
ab 0,00 €
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